Noah Hawley
Noah Hawley

'Fargo' is a tragedy with a happy ending. So you need to have that tragic underpinning, that all of this could be avoidable, and that's what makes it tragic. It's about the use of violence, and the fact that the tension in anticipation of violence and the tension in anticipation of a laugh are sort of the same.

Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany

We all have different thresholds for sentimentality. For me, it's a hard won happy ending.

Paul Feig
Paul Feig

You want a happy ending, but not such a ridiculous happy ending that it doesn't mean anything to anybody.

Penny Jordan
Penny Jordan

What I like writing about are people's relationships, not necessarily great big dramatic things but the smaller things in life and how they affect characters and challenge and change the people that they are. I do like a happy ending, so my books have to have a happy ending.

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay

Pop culture does not frequently depict women of color realizing their happy ending.

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay

The 'Bachelor' franchise does believe in happy endings - some people get an on-camera happy ending, some people get on off-camera happy ending, and some people get both.

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay

I think it is fair to say that I was denied my on-camera happy ending.

Ruth Glick
Ruth Glick

I've always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending.

Susanna Kaysen
Susanna Kaysen

Not everything has a happy ending, and not everything has an ending. Some things just kind of dribble away or cut off abruptly.

Ted Demme
Ted Demme

I felt that as long as we were being honest, and that we didn't bend the truth to accomplish another goal, to be entertaining or to be a happy ending, I was confident that we'd be able to tell the story the way it happened.